Breathe for Better Health

Developed in ancient India, yoga unites the principles of breathing, meditation, and postures to bring both physiological and psychological benefits to the participant.

Yoga and meditation have helped improve the quality of life for many IBD patients.

Yoga, Breathing, and Meditation

Follow these yoga, breathing, and meditation practices designed by Gina Norman, experienced yoga teacher of Kaia Yoga and an IBD patient-physician, to complement your medical treatment and inspire you to continue exploring the exercises in your local community classes.

“As an IBD patient and a physician, my first yoga classes were daunting, and I was skeptical that yoga and meditation could help me. Thankfully, I persisted, and I continue to benefit and grow from my yoga practice with every class that I attend. I wanted to introduce this therapy to other IBD patients.  Together with my doctor and GIRF, we created a safe way for all types of IBD patients to explore and enjoy the benefits of yoga and meditation. The program is intended to complement your medical treatment and to inspire you to further explore yoga and meditation in classes in your local community.”

Biana Lanson, MD

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