Donor-Advised Fund
Donor-Advised Fund
Give through your donor-advised fund (DAF) to maximize your support for digestive diseases research. Your fund sponsor handles all record-keeping, disbursements, and tax receipts.
What is a donor-advised fund (DAF)?
A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes. It allows charitably-inclined individuals, families and businesses to make tax-deductible charitable donations of cash, publicly-traded stock and in some cases, certain illiquid assets.
How do donor-advised funds work?
DAFs can be easily set up through your financial institution or a community foundation to serve as a flexible charitable giving vehicle. For more information on how to establish a DAF, contact your community foundation or financial advisor.
How do I support the GI Research Foundation through my donor-advised fund?
Contact the administrator of your donor-advised fund and request a grant to the GI Research Foundation. Our contact information is below.
Gastro-Intestinal Research Foundation, Inc
2070 Green Bay Rd, Suite 167
Highland Park, IL 60035
EIN 36-6108156